Sweet Moment Forever

On 3 and 4 April 2010, department of Science and Mathematic faculty held a symposium for undergraduation  students which involve  semester fourth and semester two students. This symposium was held at Auditorium Utama. At the event, all semester fourth and two will be directly involved in the presentation of their research and will be assessed by the lecturers. This symposium took two days which is begins at 9 am and end at 5 pm. Not only as symposium, this event also a competition and everyone work really hard in order to win in the competition. My group research is about the effect of Talinum paniculatum or Ginseng Jawa toward Mus musculus(house mouse). Thank to God, our group won at  the third place in this symposium. Here are a some picture about that event...

The event

This mouse were induce with ginseng jawa or Talinum paniculatum

we got third place

one Malaysian team

Short Breath Cold Sweat

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


At 22 until October 24 last, I have been followed the field work under the subject of plant physiology at Pantai Teluk Batik, Perak. Participation is compulsory for all students because it will give 5% of the overall assessment. Before went to destination, we were dividing into several groups.While there, we have been asked to investigate and look at the salinity, water, high temperatures and wind stresses, and how plants can survive under stress condition. This is not only the trip, but this is  a trip that student can gain knowledge and enjoy the view for the same time.I spent three days at there and came back with a new experience that I will share with my students in the future.

my classmate and my lecturer, Dr. Hasimah Alimon

       Ipomoea littoralis. palulu. whiteflower beach morning glory

view at Pantai Teluk Batik

Snake that i found at my research area

Semester 7 Symposium Of Final Year Research

On 27 and 28 October 2010, department of Science and Mathematic faculty held a symposium for the seventh semester students. This symposium was held at Ruang Legar 1, Aras 5, Bangunan E-Learning. At the event, all semester seventh students will be directly involved in the presentation of their research and will be assessed by the lecturers. This symposium took two days which is begins at 9 am and end at 5 pm. The select group of third-semester students which is me as a project manager work hard in order to make the event move smoothly. Thank to God, the event move followed what had been plan. Here are a some picture about that event...


Current classroom practice that are in place in public and private school often serve to encourage negative relationships among teachers and students. As a result, it will contribute to the negative learning experience for many students. But this problem can be handle by create a new experience to student using ICT application. Engage, Empower and Enhance model will help students to enjoy their learning by experienced the learning itself. Engage, Empower and Enhance model will established a classroom model of motivation in which the source of students motivation is based on internal mechanism or structures, and which result the greater students empowerment and motivation. Through Engage, Empower and Enhance model, students can generate a new problem statement based on their life routine. They can find the problem and try to solve it by using this model. Furthermore, the learning process will become more attractive and the knowledge that they gain can be used in their routine life. They also easily to remember what had they already done.  This is because learning process through practical method can make student easily to understand and remember instead of listening to their teacher teaching.

There are some values and difficulties of implementing this model. The values from this model are, first it can give student a new experience in their learning process. The traditional learning process give a dull classroom atmosphere and this will make student easily to get bored during learning process. As a result, the knowledge is difficult to absorb by student and make them tend to do anything else. Second value that can be benefit to students is it can enhance technological experience to students. This can provide them a basic about technologies especially in ICT and thus can produce a well educated student. This is first step in order to achieve Wawasan 2020. Third value for the pedagogic rationale for community-based learning such as this model is that it embraces a holistic model of learning, combining academic and theoretical learning with practical application of community engagement through volunteering activities. This model can empower students to critically understand and take advantage of their educational experiences beyond the classroom, integrating them into the community. Students ‘learn by doing’; they connect to the community as sites of learning and engage in action research which benefits communities. Students work with both academic tutors and community groups and return to the classroom to share their learning. Linking students’ volunteering activities to the curriculum, and accrediting their learning, enables the integration of academic knowledge, skills and personal development and work related learning.

Some difficulties will face by us in implementing this model. One of them is this model should have a guidance from expert person so that  they get a true input of knowledge. The students have to make a lot of discussion with their tutor and this will take a few times before the knowledge is share among students. Moreover, in cooperation with ICT appliance can face a lot of problems too. This is due to the malfunctioning of ICT appliance. Sometimes, the ICT appliance become shut down suddenly when run out the activities and this can make student’s interest toward this activity become low.

Data logging, simulation and modeling have a important role in addressing student’s problems in learning. Data longing for example can help students to conduct experiment effectively. Students  can make measurements that are always taken at the right time. Unlike a human the computer will not forget to take a reading or take a reading too late or too early. Moreover, mistakes are not made in reading the results. Humans can make errors. For example it is quite easy to misread the temperature using the scale on a thermometer. The most important thing is it can help student in plotting the graph. Graphs and tables of results can be produced automatically by the data logging software. Simulation is also used for scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems in order to gain insight into their functioning. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist. This will help students to understand more about their taken subject especially in biology subject. The simulator will be more than a "living" textbook, it will become an integral a part of the practice of medicine. The simulator environment will also provide a standard platform for curriculum development in institutions of medical education. Simulations can offer a contextualised initiation of inquiry, by allowing students to explore qualitatively situations and phenomena difficult to be reproduced in the science classroom. Computer modelling applications have progressed with the purpose of making the building of models more accessible to students, allowing the proliferation of interesting applications. Modeling in their purpose is to support team reasoning and learning. It can encourage systems thinking and scenario planning among students. Simulations provide consistent stories about the future, but not predictions. This modern view repositions the role of the model and the modeller. The modeling can help student in improve their understanding about the taken subject. These tools promote students’ reasoning in terms of variables that affect a certain phenomenon and qualitative or quantitative relationships between these variables.

Even though data logging, simulation and modeling give a lot of advantages to students, it also bring some problem when using this in the classroom. One of the problems is the price for one data logger is very expensive and one school maybe only being provided by two data logger per 40 students. When this occur, students have to wait their turn to used it and it may take some times to used it in order to finish their experiment. Moreover, when cooperate with technologies, it easily to malfunction due to many students used it and how it being handle by students. The malfunction of the data logger, will contribute difficulties to student to do an experiment. On the other hand, students also will easily to get misconception when simulation and modeling is handle without teachers guidance. Simulation and modeling is only being used to explain what  process is going on not overall explanation about the topic that will be discuss. It is generally agreed that educational ICTs should be selected depending on their potential and relevance for teaching and learning a certain topic, instead of depending on their visual attractiveness.

To solve this weakness or problem, some suggestion had been provided in order to overcome the problems. To solve problem in providing data logger in school, the government have to spend more in education tool especially all things related to ICT. The government can  allocated data logger two per 10 students so that they have a chance to used it. Besides, more people can be train to become a technician to repair a broken data logger so that student can finish all their work without influenced by this problem. To avoid from misconception, teacher must not leave students without their guidance. They must teach the basic thing first before used ICT to help them in teaching process. For this reason, the selection of educational technological resources should start from the analysis of and reflection on the underlying conception of learning that each tool is intended to promote.

The most interesting ICT tools for those inquiry activities that explicitly include laboratory work are computer simulation and modelling tools, data-logging and video analysis tools, and tools for representing and organising knowledge. The learning potential envisaged for these tools depends on the particular characteristics of the ICTs used, but also on using them within a particular learning approach, in a particular setting, with a particular aim and in a particular sequence. In the science education field, ICTs have proven to be useful tools that can contribute to these purposes, despite interesting critical views. ICTs as teaching resources are not considered a benefit in themselves. According to Jonassen (2006), students do not learn from ICTs but from thinking (with or without ICTs). ICTs provide teachers with a wide range of different tools to be used in their classes. Using ICT applications, which are non specific of science, teachers can create different types of tasks and exercises such as multiple-choice, “fill-in-the-gaps”, crosswords, matching questions and answers, ordering sequential actions. The main aim of these exercises is that students associate a correct answer to a certain question. Besides, the applications intended to facilitate students’ organization and representation of their knowledge in a graphical and structured way are considered useful tools to support their understanding and learning. Such applications can help students to be aware of the structure of their own knowledge, allowing them to establish relationships between different pieces of information. This purpose can be attributed to technological tools that facilitate the elaboration of concept maps, mind maps and V diagrams of Gowin, among others. Hopefully, all citizen realize how important use ICT in our daily life especially in education. ICT give a lot of benefit and really help teachers in their pedagogy if they know to handle it. All teachers can start right now to gain a new knowledge and make a different in their pedagogy by apply ICT applications in their teaching profession. 

Tips To Manage Your Stress

Not all stress can be avoided, and it’s not healthy to avoid a situation that needs to be addressed. You may be surprised, however, by the number of stressors in your life that you can eliminate.
  • Learn how to say “no” – Know your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, refuse to accept added responsibilities when you’re close to reaching them. Taking on more than you can handle is a surefire recipe for stress.
  • Avoid people who stress you out – If someone consistently causes stress in your life and you can’t turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely. 
  • Take control of your environment – If the evening news makes you anxious, turn the TV off. If traffic’s got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route. If going to the market is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online.
  • Avoid hot-button topics – If you get upset over religion or politics, cross them off your conversation list. If you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people, stop bringing it up or excuse yourself when it’s the topic of discussion.
  • Pare down your to-do list – Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you’ve got too much on your plate, distinguish between the “shoulds” and the “musts.” Drop tasks that aren’t truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely.
  • Reframe problems. Try to view stressful situations from a more positive perspective. Rather than fuming about a traffic jam, look at it as an opportunity to pause and regroup, listen to your favorite radio station, or enjoy some alone time.
  • Look at the big picture. Take perspective of the stressful situation. Ask yourself how important it will be in the long run. Will it matter in a month? A year? Is it really worth getting upset over? If the answer is no, focus your time and energy elsewhere.
  • Adjust your standards. Perfectionism is a major source of avoidable stress. Stop setting yourself up for failure by demanding perfection. Set reasonable standards for yourself and others, and learn to be okay with “good enough.”
  • Focus on the positive. When stress is getting you down, take a moment to reflect on all the things you appreciate in your life, including your own positive qualities and gifts. This simple strategy can help you keep things in perspective.

Fruits DNA Extraction

In recent years, it is not uncommon to read articles on DNA in both scientific and popular magazines. DNA is regularly mentioned in the news and is often featured in TV detective or crime-scene investigation dramas. DNA, also known as DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, is a long molecule that holds the genetic information for all living beings, be it vegetable, animal or a simple microorganisms. It is capable of copying itself and can synthesize RNA (RiboNucleic Acid). In more evolved or complex forms of life, DNA is contained in the nucleus of the cells. Except for the red blood cells of mammalians, which are devoid of a nuclei, all cells of a living being have their own DNA. The cells of an organism use certain parts of the DNA molecule, or genes, to produce the proteins they need to function. In this article, I describe a simple experiment that will allow you to extract a bit of DNA from a banana, however, you can also try it using other fruits and even vegetables. It is an experiment that can be performed both at home and in a school laboratory.
The procedure described below exploits the fact that the external membrane of cells and that of their nuclei are composed of fatty substances that can be broken down using a simple detergent. The first operation in this procedure is to break-up the fruit into a pulp or mush so that the cells are separated each from other as much as possible thereby exposing them to the action of the detergent. Secondly, the detergent is added to the pulp of the fruit so as to release the DNA from the cell membranes, which encapsulate it. Thirdly, it is necessary to filter the mixture to separate the nucleic acid from the remains of the cellular membranes. Finally, the DNA is precipitated in alcohol where it becomes visible. The DNA you obtain using this procedure can be observed with a microscope and can be used for other experiments like electrophoresis or other experiments.
Results, Questions:
1. What does the salt do? (Salt provides the DNA with a favorable environment; it contributes positively charged atoms that neutralize the normal negative charge of DNA.)
2. What does the blender do? (help break down the cell walls)
3. When you mix the blended cell source with the soap, what is happening? (In the experiment, the enzymes in the soap are breaking down the lipid molecules of the cell and nuclear membranes, releasing the contents of the cell, including the DNA. These enzymes in the soap are what break down grease while washing dishes.)
4. What does the alcohol do? Why does the DNA rise to the top after adding alcohol? (DNA will not dissolve in this alcohol, so the DNA comes out of the solution, or precipitates. It is less dense than water or cell scum--which is what settles to the bottom of the glass--so it floats up into the alcohol layer, where you see it as a snotty, string-like substance, with small bubbles formed on it.)
5. If you try a seed food such as peas, there will be more protein residue in the liquid. Why?(Because protein is stored in them for the nutrition of the new plant.)
6. Why can’t you see the double helix? (It is too small to be seen with the naked eye. What you extracted is millions of strands of DNA.)
7. What part of the cell did the DNA come from? (99% is from the nucleus.)

Watermelon DNA extraction

Papaya DNA extraction 

Mango DNA extraction

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